Button Panel

On the right of the interface is the button panel which provides a number of buttons which can be clicked at any time. These are divided into three categories: Commands, Execute, and Reports. Each of the buttons is described below.

    1. Check Fire. This button can be toggled on or off. When the button is on, the observer has instructed the guns not to fire until the button is toggled off again.
    2. Cease Loading. This button can be toggled on or off. When the button is on, the observer has instructed the guns not to load until the button is toggled off again.
    3. Empty Guns. This button can be clicked to instruct the guns to fire any rounds currently loaded, but not to load any further rounds. If this command is given during a multiple round FFE, any rounds not yet loaded will be cancelled.
    4. Fire. Instructs the guns to fire in the case that At My Command is in force.
    5. Repeat. Instructs the guns to refire the last fired serial.
    6. At My Command. This button can be toggled on or off. When the button is on, the observer has instructed the guns not to fire until the observer gives the fire command.
    7. Report Splash. The splash radio command is sent from the guns to the observer five seconds before the first round of serial impacts. ‘Report Splash’ is a toggle button that, when selected, ensures that splash radio commands are sent.
    8. Report TOF. When this toggle button is selected, fire assets will include the TOF of rounds in every shot transmission.
    9. Report Probable Error. When this toggle button is selected, fire assets will include the probable error of the fall of shot in every shot transmission.
    10. Report Rounds Complete. When this toggle button is selected, fire assets will send a transmission upon firing the last round of a serial containing multiple volleys.