Status updates for Tasks

Status Description

Pushing to IP

Shows from the task execute time to the IP

IP Inbound

Shows from the time plane passes IP to In call


Shows from In call until weapons release


Shows from when the task is completed till its reached the holding position or until it reacts to pushing to IP (for a re-attack or a follow on task)

Pushing to BP

Shows from the task execute time till its reach the Battle Position

This is for Rotary Wing Static Attack

Established BP

Shows while waiting in the Battle Position.

This is for Rotary Wing Static Attack

Obtaining LOS

Shows when rotary wing starts to rise to get Line of Sight

This is for Rotary Wing Static Attack


Shows when rotary wing moves to new firing position.

This is for Rotary Wing Static Attack

Manually Controlled

Shows when a task is manually controlled


Shows when the task is complete

Not Commenced Yet

Shows when the task has not yet commenced