Sample Manual Control Mission

  1. Verify that the timers are synchronized.

∆ Image 15c: Timers

  1. Activate Strike Instructor Control panel (Mission-> Strike Instructor Control)
  2. Select Aerial Asset 10
  3. Select any ‘Observer’ from the drop down menu and Select ‘Msn Type’ 9 Line
  4. Select ‘Fuel Limit‘ Unlimited
  5. Select ‘Aircraft’ Select ALL
  6. Initial Point 56006600
  7. Select ‘Target Location’ 61006600
  8. Select ‘Weapon’ 70mm Aerial Rocket and ‘Qty’ 02
  9. Click Validate and Execute
  10. Select the task from the ‘Task Sections’ table
  11. Tick ‘Cleared Hot’ check box
  12. Activate ‘Aircraft Analysis’ panel (Analysis -> Aircraft Analysis)
  13. TickManual Control’ for aircraft 1 of asset 10

∆ Image 15d: Aircraft Analysis view

  1. Switch to VBS2

∆ Image 15e: Aircraft control view

  1. Right Click on the aircraft control view and set a target to attack.
  2. Proceed towards the target and when you are in the firing range as displayed on the firing circle on   the view, then press the ‘Space’ key

∆ Image 15f: Aircraft Control view during an attack

  1. Click ‘END TASK’ button on the view to terminate the task or press ‘Esc’ key to release aircraft control and to return to observer view in VBS2.

In Manual Control a new task cannot be created if the fuel limit time is zero. But setting a new task is possible even if fuel limit time is 00:00:01