Sample Close-Air-Support Mission
The following steps will create a basic close-air-support mission using the scenario “Sample VBS2Combined Arms Scenario”. If you are unfamiliar with the VBS2 file directory and starting a network mission, do the following:
- Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\SimCentric Technologies\VBS2Combined Arms\samples
- Copy the mission folder “sample_vbs2combined_arms_mission.map_easterneuropeangeotypical25km”
- Paste the folder to C:\Users\UserName\Documents\VBS2NG\MPMissions where UserNameis the name of the computer
- At the VBS2 home screen, click “Network Mode” and host a new session.
- Select terrain Geotypical Eastern Europe [25km] and select mission “Sample VBS2Combined Arms Scenario”.
- Start VBS2Combined Arms in Stand Alone (Maximized) mode.
- In VBS2, Mission Lobby, assign yourself to any of the BLUFOR roles, and then click OK.
Open Strike Instructor Control Panel (Mission -> Strike Instructor Control Panel).
- Aerial Asset, select callsign “10” for the aircraft and Observer select callsign “R1”.
- Select Msn Type”9 Line”
- Select Fuel Limit “Unlimited”
- Select number of aircraft for the attack, in this example user can select a one or more aircrafts.
- Enter an Initial Point/Battle Position, start with a reference point. This can be entered either manually or can be selected “From Map” option, which enables you to click on desired grid position from the VBS2 map.
- Enter target location
Target location can be entered manually or “From Map” - Same as Ref. Point is available when start location refinement is POLAR or KEYHOLE
- Egress defines where the aircraft will go after the attack.
- Grid can be manually entered or selected “From Map”
- “Same as Ref. Point” from Reference Point can also be selected.
- Egress direction is used to specify the direction to egress after 2km from the firing point. The coordinates to the egress point is given here. The directions are used to inform the aircraft of any enemy points available on the aircraft route.
- In Controls, ensure “Cleared Hot” is selected. Aircraft will automatically engage the target.
- In Remarks, Select type of weapon and quantity.
- Engage: Immediate, TOT or TTT can be selected
- Attack Profile level, Toss and Diving is available.
- Click “Execute” when all the steps are complete. After a few minutes, aircraft will fly to mission area and attack the target
In the sample mission, targets are marked with a blue marker followed by a grid.