Placing the VBS2Firess Gun-line object

The VBS2Fires Gun-line object can be found as one of the top-level entries of the ‘Add Object’ menu in the VBS2 Mission editor. Select this object, and then double click the map to add it. Adding the VBS2Fires Gun-line object will cause a dialog box to appear within the VBS2 Offline Mission Editor [OME].  This will contain a number of options for the gun-line. This can be used to specify the gun-line object.  All of the options in the dialog need to be filled out although by selecting the ‘Gun Type’ drop down box, a set of default values are used to populate the entries.

All guns that link to any one VBS2Fires Gun-line object must be of the same type. Any number of VBS2Fires Gun-line objects can be added to a scenario. There will be a validation to check whether the gunlines are duplicated. This validation will be done in the start of the scenario from the VBS2Combined Arms application as shown in the below image.

∆ Image 13b: VBS2 Object Properties view of the VBS2Strike asset - Rotary-Wing

∆ Image 24i Gunline Duplication error message

∆ Image 13b: VBS2 Object Properties view of the VBS2Strike asset - Rotary-Wing

∆ Image 24j: VBS2 Specifying the gunline parameter