Damage Model for Air Platforms
In VBS2Combined Arms, applying damages for the entities such as units or vehicles is done based on the weapon type that is used in a particular task in order to improve the realistic nature. Damages will be calculated based on the parameters given in the 'damageDefault.dat' file which resides at the location au\com\simcentric\strike\core\damageModel\. This file contains all the weapon types available in VBS2Combined Arms. The distance details in the file will be read when Combined Arms application connects with VBS2 and will be saved as explosion generator. If the user needs to use specific values for damage calculation, a damageDefault.dat file can be created inside myData folder, so that the application will use it. If the user hasn't given any specific damage file, the application will use the default damage file.
Selecting entities which should be damaged
In the damageDefault.dat file, two distance values are given with two probabilities for each weapon type. For each weapon type, following details are added in the following format.
--> FFAR_70
RISK_DIST1 : 150
RISK_DIST2 : 200
Type: Simple damage type
RISK_DIST1: 10%PI risk estimation distance (10 from 100 should be injured within the given distance from the impact position. (Probability 10%))
RISK_DIST2: 0.1%PI risk estimation distance (1 should be injured if there are 1000 inside the given distance from the impact position. (Probability 0.1%))
Applying damages for selected entities.
There are 3 basic damage regions.
1. Critical region
2. RISK_DIST1 (10%PI risk estimation region)
2. RISK_DIST2 (0.1%PI risk estimation region)
Full damage will be applied within the critical area where complete damage is applied within a certain radius around the explosion, regardless of the probability.
Critical region radius =
10% Risk Estimation Distance x 0.125
0.125 is a default value given for all the weapon types.
This simple damage model has not been implemented for the weapons such as CANNON_20mm, CANNON_25mm, CANNON_30mm, CANNON_40mm, CANNON_105mm and CEM. The damage is applied as previous for those weapons from the scripts. Simple damage model will be applied for other all weapon types (Missiles, Rockets and Bombs).
The default damage values are available in Appendix 14.