Battlespace Management List
The created zones will be listed in this window. For each battlespace management zone, type, name, base line height, zone height, status, start and end type will be listed.
If an earlier time than the simulation time is entered as the start time of the Zone, it will be listed as ’Active‘, if not, as ’Pending‘. Once the simulation time reaches the start time of the Zone it will get activated. The Zone’s will be expired at the end time which is set upon its creation. When the ‘Draw/Hide’ check box is clicked, the zone will be shown in the 3D view of VBS2. The check box will be selected by default when a zone is created and can be unchecked upon user preference. Note that the draw and hide functions are only available for active zones.
The listed battlespace management zones could be deleted by a user, to do so select the respective Fire Zone and click on the Delete Zone button.