The Ballistics file defines the ballistic properties for the projectiles fired by this battery. The file has four entries. These are:
- DIAMETER - The diameter of the round in mm
- MASS - The mass of the round in kg
- SPIN_COEFF - The constant defining how far off the line of aim point the projectile will deflect based on the projectile spinning. Default value is 0.205.
- DRAG_SCALE - This is a scaling factor used to multiply the aerodynamic drag coefficient defined in drag.dat. If one, then the drag coefficient will the same as that defined in drag.dat. If it is greater than one then the drag coefficient will be greater (the values are multiplied together), and as a result the projectile will travel less distance.
- MIN_RANGE - The minimum distance the gun would fire (measured in meters).
- MAX_RANGE - The maximum range the gun would fire (measured in meters).