Appendix 11: Entity Mappings
In LVC scenarios the VBS2 communicates the game types (effects) to each other in DIS enumerations. The DIS enumerations are mapped to respective game types which is understandable by VBS2. The effects will be shown to the VBC2 LVC client only if the effect is supported. The outgoing mappings are found in the vbs_to_lvc.config file and the incoming mappings are found in the lvc_to_vbs.config file. These Files could be found in the following path,
D:\Bohemia Interactive\VBS2 VTK\config
For an example:
vbs2_ammo_sh_105m_wp=2 9 225 2 10 11 0
2 9 225 2 10 11 0 is the ID which is sent from one VBS2 client to the other VBS2 client, where at the receiving end it is mapped again the other way as
2 9 225 2 10 11 0= vbs2_ammo_sh_105m_wp
The ID 2 9 225 2 10 11 0 is a collection of information about the respective entity. The ID could be elaborated as follows, Munition(2), Battlefield Support(9), United States(225), Ballistic(2),105 mm (10), M416 smoke WP (11). Likewise all the entities which are transferred through DIS packets have a unique ID, and will only be shown to the VBS2 client if it’s supported.