Aircraft Check-In

This feature is used to Check-In aerial assets to a mission by calculating TTT, Distance to Target, Target Direction. Aircraft Check-In will not be done if the aerial asset is already engaged in a mission. This also controls the Ammunition levels with the ‘Refill Ammo’ feature and displays the Current ammunition, consumption ammunition levels of each Aerial Asset.

? Image 12d: Strike Flight Deconfliction window

∆ Image 2a: Aircraft Check-In

Column Name Description


All Aerial Assets in Scenario


Details on all air platforms


Assign Target to selected Aerial asset

Calculate Button

The direction in correlation to the gun

Execute Button

 Performs the actions based on ‘Route’ and ‘Attack’.

Refill Ammo Button

Refills ammunitions to its default levels

Aircraft Details Update

The Location, Altitude, Heading of the aircraft updated every five seconds

Ammunition Levels

Displays the Weapon and its Current Level

Consumption Levels

Displays the total weapon consumption level


The selected aircraft will be routing in the given routing altitude


Once a grid point is selected through ‘From Map’, while selecting the Attack option and click on “Execute” Button the selected grid will be generated into the VBS2Combined Arms application.

Reference Grid

The grid location for the holding pattern is specified here. The following reference grid types are available: MGRS ABBR, MGRS, UTM and REF PT.

From Map button

When this button is clicked, VBS2 will switch to RTE mode.


Choose from the available formations [trail] for the aerial asset to fly to the holding location


This is the adjustment to the starting grid. The refinement types: None [Asset goes through the grid location], Key Hole [with respect to the start grid location, then the user can select from: Alpha, Beta, Charlie and Delta and enter a refinement distance] and Polar [with respect to the grid location the user can specify 0-360 degrees and the distance to the location].

Holding Pattern

The Holding pattern types are:
Orbit [The holding pattern shape is circle and the user can specify a radius for this circle. For Rotary Wing aerial assets, the radius requires to be between 1000m and 10000m while for Fixed wing the radius required to be less than 5nm.]
Linear [The holding pattern is in the shape of race track (ellipse). The Bearing (angle) needs to be specified between 0-360 degrees to create the linear holding pattern. The distance value is the distance between the two corner points of the holding pattern where for Rotary wing it should be between 1000m to 10000m and for Fixed wing it should be below 5nm.]
Figure 8 [The holding pattern is in the shape of the number 8]


The maximum attack altitude for fixed wing is 40000ft and the minimum is 300ft. The maximum attack altitude for rotary wing is 2000m AGL. and the minimum is 100m AGL

In both Aircraft Check-In panel and Routing to contact point/Holding Area panels, if a large refinement value is given for Key Hole or Polar refinement types, an error message will be displayed as shown below.

∆ Image 2: VBS2Strike icon

∆ Image 2b: Refinement out of range message